
After decades of fastfood, not a lot of workouts and focus on the inside (hello Dr. Phil and oh hey there Oprah) times are changing.


Feeling good on the inside definitely works together with feeling your best on the outside. This means, an active lifestyle in all its assets. So, workouts combined with healthy and clean eating. A bit of meditation and you are working yourself to an improved 2.0 version.


In the past years I would barely spot anyone in workout gear out of the gym. Nowadays the workout gear seems to be quite integrated in ‘normal life.’ Women who are in sport leggings and a crop top picking up their kids from their way after the gym. A men doing grocery shopping in a full on fitness outfit with running shoes. It just seems to be everywhere.

Loads of retailers see this as well and are jumping on this trend. H&M, Forever21, Mango, Bershka, and New Yorker all have a sport clothes line as well. And, off course the big sport brand like Nike, Adidas, Reebok and Puma are noticing this as well. More fashion forward sports gear is being developed. Adidas has developed an Originals line where the line between fashion and sport gear gets more and more blurry. Stella McCartney is more or less the house designer for cool workout gear for Adidas and Puma has collaborations with Practical clothing with a fashion flavour and in which you can move as well.




November 6th. The Alexander Wang x H&M collection launched. Sporty fashion gear that you wear to the gym but also at a hefty night out. Some days after the launch we can already say it has been a success. Online the items were available from 10 a.m. but 10 minutes before hand the website was already down due to the amount of visitors. In New York the Wang collection was already sold out the first day. Some customers bought as much as 5000 dollars at a time. Everywhere in the streets of Soho were Alexander Wang x H&M bags spotted.


Fashion wise sports gear has always been a big inspiration for runway collections. Nowadays it seems widely accepted and is considered to be part of a healthy lifestyle. Food wise there is also a big subculture emerging. The one that is all about super foods, clean eating, slow cooking and raw food. Just google the words “health food” and thousands of websites of health stores, blogs and numerous tips and tricks pop up.


Amongst the bloggers the new type of blogger, the health blogger, becomes bigger and bigger. www.fitgirlcode.nl, inlovewithhealth.nl and browniesdumbells.nl are just a few examples of platforms that have grown massively the past year.  Healthy cookbooks like Powerfood by Rens Kroes (yes, little sister of Doutzen) are bestsellers and the green smoothie is making a powerful emergence.



After years of neglecting our bodies we find ourselves in a new time, the time of being aware of who you are and above all- aware of what we put in our bodies. I have to confess, I have been a neglecter for many years. A while ago I decided to do it differently. Feel fitter, happier and leaner. I have to say, the extra effort definitely pays off. I do not see this as a short trend but the way forward. Slowly more people are becoming aware and willing to put in the work. All I have to say is go for it, you will not regret it!

[Sources: Alexander Wang, Pinterest, Fitgirlcode, Ilovefashionnews]

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